quinta-feira, 18 de novembro de 2010

Empresa de petróleo pretende perfurar 12 poços de gás na Amazônia

Fonte: Amazonia.org.br
Link: http://www.amazonia.org.br

A empresa de petróleo HRT anunciou ontem (17) que pretende perfurar, no mínimo, 12 poços na Bacia dos Solimões em 2011.  O foco será na perfuração em terra, na região amazônica, depois da descoberta de um tipo de gás que indica a presença de petróleo em camadas tão profundas quanto as do pré-sal costeiro.  As informações são do jornal O Estado de São Paulo.
A empresa, que após lançamento de suas ações ao mercado (IPO) chegou um valor de mercado de R$ 5,3 bilhões, divulgou na sexta-feira seu resultado consolidado do terceiro trimestre, que ficou negativo em R$ 29,8 milhões, um prejuízo 55% maior do que no trimestre anterior (R$ 19,2 milhões).  Além do Brasil, a HRT tem concessões offshore na Namíbia, na África, segundo a empresa, em condições geológicas muito semelhantes às das áreas do pré-sal brasileiro.
Tradução completa da matéria: 
Oil Company intends to drill 12 gas wells na Amazônia The Oil Company announced Along TRH (16) What you want to drill at least 12 wells nd Solimões Basin in 2011. The focus will be, will be drilling in nd land in the Amazon region, after the discovery of a type of gas that indicates a presence of oil in deep layers so as to make AS coastal pre-salt. As St. Information O Estado de Sao Paulo.
The President of HRT Holdings, Marcio Rocha Mello hum Most Geologos and renowned in the country and said Being the Presence of Oil Insurance AFTER finding "wet gas" (a mixture of methane, ethane, propane, butane and) Different Points in the testes in basin, whose area of Approximately 480 000 square kilometers is approaching a Territory from France.
Mello Explains What appears to damp gas numa Unlike the geological structure of Dry gas (methane), as hiding layers Petroleum Fund does not. The technology for this type of Operation and Recent. Were not passed drilled 226 wells nd Basin, with only three Below 3000 meters deep.
Para reach an ultra-layers, the Company has contracted four drilling rigs paragraph ABLE a 4500 meters, for delivery between December and February.
The company, which launched epidemic TO ITS Market Shares (IPO) of A reached the market value of $ 5.3 billion, announced Friday nd Its Consolidated Third Quarter, which was negative by R $ 29, 8 Million, um 55% Increased damage That I do not preceding quarter (R $ 19.2 million). "Besides Brazil, ten offshore concessions HRT na na Namibia, Africa, Second Company, in geological conditions very similar to the areas of pre-salt play.